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Including Knowledge Graph and Neural Language Processing (especially information extraction) papers from 20 top conferences:


The 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING) will be held ONLINE, from 8 to 13 December 2020. Official site: Paper anthology:


Named Entity Recognization (NER)

  1. Porous Lattice Transformer Encoder for Chinese NER
  2. An Analysis of Simple Data Augmentation for Named Entity Recognition
  3. Evaluating Pretrained Transformer-based Models on the Task of Fine-Grained Named Entity Recognition
  4. Exploring Cross-sentence Contexts for Named Entity Recognition with BERT
  5. Identifying Motion Entities in Natural Language and A Case Study for Named Entity Recognition
  6. Leveraging HTML in Free Text Web Named Entity Recognition
  7. Named Entity Recognition for Chinese biomedical patents
  8. Neural Language Modeling for Named Entity Recognition
  9. RIVA: A Pre-trained Tweet Multimodal Model Based on Text-image Relation for Multimodal NER

    Relation Extraction (RE)

  10. Learning to Prune Dependency Trees with Rethinking for Neural Relation Extraction
  11. Document-level Relation Extraction with Dual-tier Heterogeneous Graph
  12. TPLinker: Single-stage Joint Extraction of Entities and Relations Through Token Pair Linking
  13. Dual Supervision Framework for Relation Extraction with Distant
  14. Event-Guided Denoising for Multilingual Relation Learning
  15. Global Context-enhanced Graph Convolutional Networks for Document-level Relation Extraction
  16. Graph Convolution over Multiple Dependency Sub-graphs for Relation Extraction
  17. Graph Enhanced Dual Attention Network for Document-Level Relation Extraction
  18. Improving Long-Tail Relation Extraction with Collaborating Relation-Augmented Attention
  19. Improving Relation Extraction with Relational Paraphrase Sentences
  20. Interactively-Propagative Attention Learning for Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition
  21. Joint Entity and Relation Extraction for Legal Documents with Legal Feature Enhancement
  22. Span-based Joint Entity and Relation Extraction with Attention-based Span-specific and Contextual Semantic Representations
  23. ToHRE: A Top-Down Classification Strategy with Hierarchical Bag Representation for Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction
  24. Towards Accurate and Consistent Evaluation: A Dataset for Distantly-Supervised Relation Extraction

    Event Extraction (EE)

    Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

  25. Hierarchical Chinese Legal event extraction via Pedal Attention Mechanism
  26. Is Killed More Significant than Fled? A Contextual Model for Salient Event Detection
  27. Joint Event Extraction with Hierarchical Policy Network
  28. Event Coreference Resolution with their Paraphrases and Argument-aware Embeddings
  29. Distinguishing Between Foreground and Background Events in News
  30. TWEETSUM: Event oriented Social Summarization Dataset
  31. New Benchmark Corpus and Models for Fine-grained Event Classification: To BERT or not to BERT?

    Proceedings of the 1st Joint Workshop on Financial Narrative Processing and MultiLing Financial Summarisation

  32. Extracting Fine-Grained Economic Events from Business News

    Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing

  33. A Risk Communication Event Detection Model via Contrastive Learning

    Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

  34. SWAGex at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Commonsense Explanation as Next Event Prediction
